Return Policy

If you are not satisfied with the items you have ordered, you have the option to return them within 15 days of receiving the shipment.
If you are dissatisfied after receiving the goods, you can request a return form from our customer service department. Please be sure to include your order number with your request by sending an e-mail to the following address:
For a return to be accepted, the order must meet the following conditions:
All original parts, components and packaging must be intact and in the same condition as when received.
The product must not show any damage caused by improper handling; breakage caused by careless handling is not covered.
Products where hygiene is important must be thoroughly cleaned before being returned. This applies to items such as bikinis, lingerie, underwear and socks, which cannot be returned.
Any defects in the goods must be reported immediately upon receipt.
The customer may be charged for the costs of the return shipment. is not liable for the return costs.
The return will be processed within 7 working days. If the conditions are met, the return will be officially confirmed within this period.
Photographic evidence must be provided for product defects.
*Please note: We reserve the right to refuse any returned item if it is suspected to have been used or damaged beyond our control.
How to initiate a return:
If your order meets the above conditions, please follow these steps to initiate the return process:
Send an email to:
Make sure the email contains the following details:
  • Order number
  • Reason for the return request
  • Photo of the product (In case of breakage)
  • First and last name of the customer
  • Address of the customer
We will contact you and inform you of the return address. Please do NOT send the return to the sender; we will provide you with the correct address on request. The customer bears the cost of the return.
All returned items must be in the original packaging.
We are not responsible for return shipping costs.
Please ensure that all returned goods are properly packaged so that they are not damaged during transportation.
Please ensure that all returns are sent via a traceable, insured service as we cannot accept responsibility for goods damaged or lost in transit.
Our business address is not a return address. Returns to this address are invalid and cannot be refunded.
For a successful return, all items must be reported to our customer service department within 15 days of receipt. If this is not done in time, we will unfortunately not be able to process the return.
If you decide to return an item after contacting us, we will ensure that the purchase amount is credited to your bank account within five working days of receipt of the return.